Doing Business in India

Guide to Doing Business in
India for 2024

“In 10 years, India has moved from the 10th largest economy of the world to the 5th largest economy of the world. In 10 years, India is now seen as a country with immense potential which is backed by impressive performance.”

Shri. Narendra Modi, Prime Minister Of India

Why India?

During the WEF Annual Meeting 2023 World Economic Forum's Founder and Executive Chairman Klaus Schwab said, “India remains a bright spot amid global geoeconomics and geopolitical crises.”

Some of the top attractions to foreign investment in the country include:

  1. Make in India: the flagship program of the Government of India (GoI) that aims to facilitate investment, foster innovation, enhance skill development, and build best in-class manufacturing infrastructure, completed its 8 years of path-breaking reforms in September 2022. The program is transforming the country into a leading global manufacturing and investment destination.
  2. PM GatiShakti: a National Master Plan for Multi Modal Connectivity, essentially a digital platform to bring 16 Ministries, including Railways and Roadways, together for integrated planning and coordinated implementation of infrastructure connectivity projects will surely attract foreign investors.
  3. PLI Scheme: Incentives of Rs. 1.97 trillion have been announced for 14 sectors. Heavy incentives for foreign companies manufacturing in India.
  4. Export Promotion: Special Economic Zones Act to be replaced by new legislation to facilitate states to become partner in ‘Development of Enterprise and Service Hubs.’
  5. Liberal FDI Norms: Several sectors open to 100% FDI under automatic route. 13 FTAs and 6 preferential trade agreements are signed with several countries.