PoSH Solutions

Empower your workplace with equity in mind through expert PoSH solutions. With over ten years of expertise in workplace sexual harassment prevention, we are committed to cultivating a culture of respect, equity, and safety. We redefine workplaces with dynamic PoSH solutions, offering a seasoned approach that has evolved alongside the intricacies of the PoSH Law.

Our comprehensive understanding goes beyond mere compliance, achieving a 100% success rate in resolving PoSH complaints across 150+ organizations since 2014. We provide end-to-end services covering all PoSH needs, from organizational compliance to swift redressal, ensuring your workplace remains safe and respectful.

Serving as trusted External Members, we ensure objectivity and credibility in complaint resolution. Our dedication to creating workplaces built on respect, dignity, and equity is unwavering. We stand as your partner in PoSH compliance, guiding you through a journey marked by expertise, success, and a steadfast commitment to fostering equitable and dignified workplaces.

We are dedicated to The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition & Redressal) Act, 2013 (PoSH Act). We skillfully navigate its complexities, creating compliant and respectful work environments. With a 100% success rate in presiding over 150 cases and a drive for even greater milestones, we serve as a trusted External Member of Internal Committees (ICs), ensuring impartial recommendations and timely resolutions. Join us on this transformative journey to empower and ensure equity in your workplace.

CRS provides following PoSH Services

Nominate an External Member

We assist organisations in nominating an External Member having relevant experience and a proven track record in successfully adjudicating sexual harassment complaints. This External Member brings a neutral and experienced perspective to the IC.

Anti-Sexual Harassment Policy Development

We draft customized anti-sexual harassment policies aligned with the PoSH Act and tailored to the unique profile of each organization. Our policies are designed to foster a culture of respect, dignity, and equity in the workplace.

Internal Committee (IC) Formation and Constitution

We assist organizations in establishing a legally constituted IC, a mandatory body for organizations with 10 or more employees per location. We guide the organization in issuing a written order establishing the IC and ensuring its adherence to the PoSH Act’s guidelines.

Employee Sensitization and Awareness Programs

We conduct regular sensitization and awareness programs for all employees to educate them about their rights, responsibilities, and the PoSH Act’s provisions. These programs foster a culture of understanding, respect, and prevention of sexual harassment.

IC Interactive Capacity Building Sessions

We conduct IC capacity building sessions to train IC members on their roles, responsibilities, and the powers entrusted upon them under the PoSH Act. These sessions enhance IC members’ ability to effectively handle sexual harassment complaints.

Time-Bound Redressals

The External Member on the IC plays a crucial role in ensuring neutral, unbiased, and time-bound redressal of sexual harassment complaints. We meticulously follow the PoSH Act’s guidelines, ensuring fairness and timely resolution for all parties involved.

IC Annual Report Drafting and Submission

We assist in drafting the IC’s Annual Report, ensuring it includes all the necessary details as mandated by the PoSH Act. We further guide the organization on submitting the report to the relevant authorities.

Annual PoSH Law Audit

We conduct an annual anti-sexual harassment law audit to identify potential gaps or grey areas in the organization’s PoSH compliance practices. This audit helps organizations proactively address any issues and maintain ongoing compliance with the PoSH Act.

PoSH Policy Diagnostic Questionnaire

We provide a comprehensive diagnostic questionnaire to assess employees’ understanding of the organization’s PoSH policy. This feedback helps identify areas for improvement and ensures the policy’s effectiveness.